Title: Public Health Training Certificate in American Indian Health
Location: Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota
A 63 father of five children who lives in Albuquerque New Mexico, Travis Renville (Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota) enjoys playing basketball, practicing martial arts, and attending powwows.
Hes also an ambitious healthcare manager aiming to transform Native American health, starting with the launch of a health managed care organization with the Navajo Nation. Renville, who previously oversaw Native American Affairs for Presbyterian Health Plan, says his new managed care organization will be culturally responsive, infused with cutting-edge public health research, and sustainably supported through Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance funding streams The Navajo MCO will bring much needed control and funding streams back to the Navajo Nation.
Through courses taught during the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health Winter and Summer Institutes, Renville immersed himself in data management, health policy, biostatistics, epidemiology, and other disciplines integral to building a preventive-focused health care system. Renville, who earlier earned an MBA from New Mexico Highlands University and his Undergraduate degree from the University of Minnesota Morris, received his Public Health Training Certificate for American Indian Health Professionals from Johns Hopkins in Summer 2017.
I consider the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health to be a sacred place. Because of all the work they have done in Indian country, its a safe space to talk about issueswhat we deal with in Indian country, explained Mr. Renville, who lives in Albuquerque with his family. We dont get to talk about these issues anywhere else with that much grass roots experience and expertise, he said.