The Healing Pathways Project is a community-based participatory research study involving 735 American Indian and First Nations youth and their caregivers living in the northern Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada. The project began in 2002 with collaborations between eight reservation and reserve communities and our university-based research team. As of 2021, we have completed a total of 11 waves of survey interviews with Healing Pathways participants. Findings from Healing Pathways have taught us important lessons about the roles of culture and family for healthy Indigenous development, the emergence of mental health problems and strengths in adolescence, and substance use over the life-course.
We are thrilled to share that the Healing Pathways team has received renewed funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to follow-up with the original adolescent participants (now adults) and their oldest child to learn about intergenerational pathways of healthy development.
Members of the study team will start to recontact adult participants in early 2024 for the Wave 12 interview. Participants: please keep our team updated with how to best reach you by clicking on the link down below and updating your contact information. Interviewers are looking forward to meeting with you soon!
Updates, new publications, and new stories from our team will be shared on the project YouTube channel and other links below.
Are you interested in reading articles that have been written from the Healing Pathways project? Click here to view articles.
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PARTICIPANTS Update Your Contact Information
Community-Based Healing Pathways Team
We would like to thank and acknowledge past and present Healing Pathways Community Research Council members and Interviewers, including:
Jake Becker, Dick Bird, David Bruyere, Laura Bruyere, Trisha Bruyere, Betty Derendorf*, Laureen Hill, Ernie Jones*, Lucille Jones*, Annabelle Jourdain, Shailyn Loyie, Allan Morrisseau*, Priscilla Simard, GayeAnn Allen, Winona Carufel, Phillip Chapman Sr., Jory Corbesia, Betty Jo Graveen, Tina Handeland, Clinton Isham, Bagwajikwe Madosh, Victoria Soulier, Frances Whitfield, Sonja Budde, Jim Bedeau*, Bill Butcher Jr., Marilyn Bowstring, Don Charwood, Gary Charwood, Margaret Charwood, Delores Fairbanks, Devin Fineday, Bernadette Gotchie, Christina Howard, Carol Jenkins, Gloria Mellado*, Nicole Wadena, Vivian Washington, Ashley Brun, Geraldine Brun, Caitlin Defoe, Kathy Dudley, June Holstein, FaLeisha Jourdain, Penny King, Valerie King, Bill May*, Frances Miller, Brenna Pemberton, Linda Perkins, Charity Prentice-Pemberton, Christie Prentice, Patricia Prentice*, Ed Strong, Barbara Thomas, Murphy Thomas*, Bonnie Badboy, Cassie Bellanger, Natalie Bergstrom, Celeste Cloud, Elizabeth Kent, Chantel King, Pat Moran, Cindy McDougall, Whitney Sazama, Sue Trnka, Stephanie Williams, Glenn Cameron, Jackie Cameron, Gerilyn H. Fisher, Gabriel Henry, Howard Kabestra, Dallas Medicine, Virginia Pateman, Irene Scott
*In memoriam