Bright Horizons

Background information

  • Bright Horizons is a brief intervention to be delivered in one 2-4 hour session that teaches cognitive restructuring, emotion regulation and problem-solving, and motivational interviewing
  • It is designed to reduce alcohol and other substance use in youth and connect individuals with treatment
  • This is a multi-phase mixed-methods study with qualitative interviews with Apache youth informing the adaptation and later evaluation of Bright Horizons

What we are doing

  • Phase 1 of the study involves 30 qualitative interviews with youth ages 12-17. We have planned for 15 of the interviewees to be youth who use substances, and 15 to be youth who do not use substances. We will ask them about skills and strategies that could be incorporated into the curriculum.
  • In phase 2, the study team will adapt the curriculum based on phase 1 findings and pilot the updated lesson with approximately 10 youth.
  • Phase 3 will use a randomized control trial to test the effectiveness of the lesson in 100 youth ages 12-17 with recent binge substance use.

    Program Manager: Novalene Goklish,, 928-338-5215/928-594-0149