Joshuaa D. Allison-Burbank, PhD, CCC-SLP is Diné and Acoma Pueblo. His clans are T’ógi, Parrot Clan (Acoma), Tó’áhani, and Yellow Corn (Acoma). Joshuaa is a licensed speech-language pathologist and previously worked at Northern Navajo Medical Center in Tsé Bitaí, Navajo Nation. He continues to provide developmental services to Navajo families enrolled in the Navajo Nation Early Intervention Program. His previous clinical work included being a Research Project Coordinator for the Culturally Responsive Early Literacy Instruction: American Indian/Alaska Native graduate training program at the University of Kansas. His research interests include community assessment, parent coaching, assessing the effects of stress on neurodevelopment, and the prevention of developmental delay in American Indian children.
Dr. Allison-Burbank received his master’s and doctoral degrees from the University of Kansas where he focused on neurodevelopmental disabilities and prevention research. He has a Public Health Training Certificate in American Indian Health from Johns Hopkins University. He attended the University of New Mexico where he received a BA in Speech and Hearing Sciences. Joshuaa has held several leadership positions recently including vice chair of the Multi-Cultural Committee (MCC) within the Association of University Centers on Disabilities and co-chair of the Native American Caucus within the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). Dr. Allison-Burbank joined the Center in April of 2021 and is based at the Johns Hopkins office in Albuquerque, NM.