I Want the Kit (IWTK) is an HIV and STI self-sample, mail-based program that was started at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 2004. The IWTK program offers free, accurate, and confidential at-home specimen collection and lab-based testing for common STIs (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis) and HIV. IWTK operates in partnership with regional partners to provide this program to their respective communities across select states.
The Center for Indigenous Health joined the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Indian Health Service, Southern Plains Tribal Health Board, and Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board in 2020 to work to address the recent increase in syphilis infections among American Indian and Alaskan Natives. Indigi-IWTK is a new campaign led by our coalition launched in 2023 in an effort to expand IWTK services across Indian Country. Indigi-IWTK includes outreach materials created in partnership with Tribal and rural communities and is focused on identifying new regional partners tor service expansion.