Abagail (Abbey) joined the Center for Indigenous Health in the Fall of 2020. She is a Research Associate in Baltimore, MD and her work focuses on reproductive health projects with Navajo Nation, White Mountain Apache Tribe, and other tribal entities throughout the US. Abbey has been involved in the implementation, coordination, and evaluation of behavioral health projects such as Respecting the Circle of Life and the Strong Fathers program. She also works on the I Want The Kit project to expand access to at-home, self-administered STI testing kits.
Abbey recently received her master’s degree at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health where she studied social and behavioral interventions within the Department of International Health.
Prior to her time at the Center, she served as a health educator in the Peace Corps in Peru where she worked on adolescent pregnancy and maternal and child health projects.
Abbey has a BA degree in Community and Global Health from the University of Michigan with a minor in Spanish language. She received her MSPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is committed to community-centered, strengths-based work and brings experience in reproductive health promotion, community engagement, and qualitative data analysis to her work at the Center.
Outside of work, her hobbies include rock climbing, reading, and spending time with her family in Northern Michigan.