The Hastiin Bidziil (Strong Man) Intervention is a research study to measure the effectiveness of a secondary prevention program aimed at reducing substance use among Native men ages 18-26 years of age. The Hastiin Bidziil intervention has been adapted and culturally tailored from the Family Spirit Strengths and Common Elements Treatment Approach (FSS/CETA) that incorporates cultural strengths and skill-building to help reduce substance and mental health challenges that Native men may face. Participants will be randomized (like flipping a coin) to receive the Hastiin Bidziil program or a beneficial control group on basic vehicle maintenance.
Problematic substance use (SU) is one of the leading causes of death of Native men, with ripple effects on community and family well-being. While Native Americans are disproportionately over-represented in health disparities, they are under-represented in availability of mental health and SU providers. Research shows that Native men have higher rates of SU, and SU-related comorbidities (e.g. mental illness) and consequences (e.g. incarceration) than Native women and Non-Hispanic White men.
Based on findings from the Azhe’é Bidziil (Strong Fathers) intervention, a large portion of Navajo young men are struggling with active SU. Our community partners have urged us to develop an intervention to address this issue.
Study Goals
Aim 1: Adapt the Family Spirit Strengths/Common Elements Treatment Approach (FSS/CETA) and associated implementation strategies for young AI men, aged 18-26 years, resulting in the Hastiin Bidziil (Strong Man) intervention. Adaptation activities include collaboration with Community Research Councils (CRC, utilizing theater testing and debrief sessions with CRC members.
Aim 2: Determine the effectiveness of Hastiin Bidziil (Strong Man) intervention for reducing substance use (SU) among N = 160 young AI men (ages 18-26) using a randomized controlled trial design.
Aim 3: Explore mediators and moderators of the Hastiin Bidziil intervention, guided by CIRCLE’s Indigenist Ecological Systems Model to inform a precision approach to implementation.
Contact Information
Program Coordinator: Kyann Dedman-Cisco, kdedman1@jh.edu
Co-Lead: Jennifer Richards, jricha81@jh.edu
Co-Lead: Jerreed Ivanich, jerreed.ivanich@cuanschutz.edu