This study is funded by the National Institute of Diabetes, and Digestive, and Kidney Diseases (DK091250) and is a home-based, family-centered diabetes intervention program for Ojibwe communities. Our goal is to help adults living with type 2 diabetes manage their disease, prevent diabetes among youth, and promote overall wellbeing. In short, this study will answer the question, “Does the TOD program promote better health for Ojibwe families?
Participants in this study are family dyads consisting of one adult and one youth:

Participating adults have a confirmed diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and are a caregiver for a youth 10-16 years old who lives in their home.

Participating youth are 10-16 years of age and live with an adult who is enrolled in the study.

Both adults and youth self-identify as Native American and live on, or near, a participating reservation.
Each enrolled family is randomized into one of two groups:
Group A – Will start the program right away
Group B – Will start the program 24 months later
If randomized to Group A – involvement in the study will last 2 years.
If randomized to Group B – involvement in the study will last 3 years.
Intervention Program
A local Family Health Coach will meet with Group A families right away to deliver 14 health and wellness lessons over a 6-month period. Each lesson will take less than 90 minutes. Over the second 6-month period, the Health Coach will meet with families once a month for follow up visits. The program includes fun, interactive activities and hands-on lessons along with tips for healthy living.
Health Check and Survey Visits
All participants (Group A and Group B) are asked to complete regular health checks and surveys at enrollment and again at 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months after enrollment. These visits will take approximately 45 minutes. Shorter visits at 3 and 18 months will take approximately 15 minutes. The health checks include a finger prick (adults only) to assess A1c and cholesterol, as well as height and weight measurements and blood pressure checks. Surveys include questions about social, physical, and emotional health and factors related to health like community and cultural involvement.
Families get to participate in a fun, family-based program and learn new things about health and wellness. Upon enrollment, families received a gift of wild rice. Throughout the study, families will receive small program items (water bottles, magnets, etc.). After completing each health check/survey visit, the adult and youth will be compensated with a gift card in the amounts shown below:
Visit schedule (months after enrollment) | Adult gift card | Youth gift card |
First (immediately) | $30 | $15 |
3 months (Mini-visit) | $15 | $10 |
6 months | $30 | $15 |
12 months | $30 | $15 |
18 months (Mini-visit) | $15 | $10 |
24 months | $30 | $20 |
BONUS (Paid at 24 months if all 6 visits were completed) | $30 | $20 |
Total possible | $180 | $105 |
Already a participant? CLICK HERE to send/update your contact information.
- CLICK HERE to read articles related to our type 2 diabetes studies
- VISIT the TOD Facebook page
- VIEW the TOD YouTube page (more videos coming soon!)
The Together Overcoming Diabetes study is supported in part by the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC). It is also supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01DK091250 (M. Walls, PI). The content of these pages is solely the responsibility of the research team and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institute of Health or SMSC.