Hearst Health, in partnership with Thomas Jefferson University’s College of Population Health, has announced its three finalists for the 2020 Hearst Health Prize. The $100,000 prize is sponsored by Hearst Health to recognize organizations and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in managing or improving population health.
The three finalists will present at Jefferson College of Population Health’s 20th Annual Population Health Colloquium in Philadelphia on March 30. On March 31, the winner of the $100,000 award will be announced at the event and the other two finalists will each receive $25,000.
The three finalists include:
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for American Indian Health – Family Spirit: Working in partnership with Native American communities, the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health has developed, implemented and evaluated promising solutions to reduce health disparities facing Native Americans through its Family Spirit program. It is currently the largest, most rigorous and only evidence-based home visiting program designed for pregnant and parenting Native American families. The program has been proven successful across three randomized controlled trials to improve parenting knowledge and self-efficacy; reduce parenting stress and maternal psychological risks that could impede positive parenting; and improve children’s social, emotional and behavioral development. [Watch video]
Hearst Health Prize applications were evaluated by Jefferson College of Population Health faculty and a distinguished panel of judges. The applications were scored based on the program’s population health impact or outcome demonstrated by measurable improvement; use of evidence-based interventions and best practices to improve the quality of care; promotion of communication, collaboration and engagement; scalability and sustainability; and innovation. The three finalists were the highest scoring based on these criteria.
The two other finalists are Nationwide Children’s Hospital—Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Families, based in Columbus, Ohio and Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute—Project Dulce, which works in several California counties.
Press release adapted; view more information at www.jefferson.edu/HearstHealthPrize.