17 Results |
Bright Horizons
Background information Bright Horizons is a brief intervention to be delivered in one 2-4 hour session that teaches cognitive restructuring, emotion regulation and problem-solving, and motivational interviewing It is designed to reduce alcohol and other substance use in youth and connect individuals with treatment This is a multi-phase mixed-methods study with qualitative interviews with Apache
Focus Area: Substance Use & PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): White Mountain ApacheWhiteriver, AZ
Healing Pathways (Anishinaabe Giigewin Miikana)
The Healing Pathways Project is a community-based participatory research study involving 735 American Indian and First Nations youth and their caregivers living in the northern Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada. The project began in 2002 with collaborations between eight reservation and reserve communities and our university-based research team. As of 2021, we have completed
Focus Area: Mental Health PromotionSubstance Use & PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): Duluth, MN
Indigenae Podcast
Indigenae is a community-guided podcast that is dedicated to Indigenous wxmen’s health and wellbeing. Join hosts Sarah Stern (Cherokee), Olivia Trujillo (Navajo) and Dr. Sophie Neuner (Karuk) as they interview a new guest each week and take listeners on a journey through Indigenous womanhood, exploring topics from Coming of Age to Becoming an Elder. The
Focus Area: Cancer Care & PreventionEnvironmental HealthParentingSexual & Reproductive HealthYouth Development
Multi-tiered Youth Suicide Prevention Program
We launched a three-tiered suicide prevention intervention in 2006 across the White Mountain Apache Tribe under a program called Empowering Our Spirits. These tiers include: a universal tier targeting the general community in an effort to raise education and awareness on the problem of suicide; a selective tier targeting youth specifically at risk for suicide
Focus Area: Mental Health PromotionSuicide PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): White Mountain ApacheWhiteriver, AZ
My Pathway to Healing (MP2H)
Project information The goal of My Pathway to Healing (MP2H) is to test the effectiveness of this five-lesson intervention on reducing symptoms of posttraumatic stress and increase hopefulness and communal mastery among adults with recent binge substance use or suicide behavior. Background information The MP2H curriculum includes five lessons designed to address trauma, stress and
Focus Area: Substance Use & PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): White Mountain ApacheWhiteriver, AZ