17 Results |
Bright Horizons
Background information Bright Horizons is a brief intervention to be delivered in one 2-4 hour session that teaches cognitive restructuring, emotion regulation and problem-solving, and motivational interviewing It is designed
Focus Area: Substance Use & PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): White Mountain ApacheWhiteriver, AZ
Healing Pathways (Anishinaabe Giigewin Miikana)
The Healing Pathways Project is a community-based participatory research study involving 735 American Indian and First Nations youth and their caregivers living in the northern Midwestern United States and Ontario,
Focus Area: Mental Health PromotionSubstance Use & PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): Duluth, MN
Indigenae Podcast
Indigenae is a community-guided podcast that is dedicated to Indigenous wxmen’s health and wellbeing. Join hosts Sarah Stern (Cherokee), Olivia Trujillo (Navajo) and Dr. Sophie Neuner (Karuk) as they interview
Focus Area: Cancer Care & PreventionEnvironmental HealthParentingSexual & Reproductive HealthYouth Development
Multi-tiered Youth Suicide Prevention Program
We launched a three-tiered suicide prevention intervention in 2006 across the White Mountain Apache Tribe under a program called Empowering Our Spirits. These tiers include: a universal tier targeting the
Focus Area: Mental Health PromotionSuicide PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): White Mountain ApacheWhiteriver, AZ
My Pathway to Healing (MP2H)
Project information The goal of My Pathway to Healing (MP2H) is to test the effectiveness of this five-lesson intervention on reducing symptoms of posttraumatic stress and increase hopefulness and communal
Focus Area: Substance Use & PreventionYouth Development
Associated Location(s): White Mountain ApacheWhiteriver, AZ